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./Thinking About the Development of 4G LTE in Indonesia - Sesion 2

The needs of today's Internet is so high due to the revolution of information technology is increasingly many changes and progress. These developments not only affect only need internet access but also affect the growing information technology devices with display features more complex services and complete.
Various models of innovation as well as the services provided, making the need for a communication device is not only used for text and voice communication media, but has undergone changes that require the function and performance of this device is able to in order to provide support to the convergence of multimedia-based services including data, images and video , allowing users to interact with one another samaa with mobile devices such as mobile phones owned, Smartphones, PDAs and Laptops.
Multimedia-based communication has become a trend among internet users this is possible because of the convergence of several multimedia-based services on mobile devices as for the impact that occurs, one of which can be seen from the sales of smartphones in Indonesia is quite high, according to Frost & Sullivan in 2009 has been sold 1.2 million smartphones in Indonesia. And, predicted in 2015 the total sales of smartphones in Indonesia will reach 18.7 million, surpassing sales of smartphones in other ASEAN countries. [1]

On the other hand sales of smartphones in the world is increasing every year this is evidenced by a survey by International Data Corporation (IDC), the total sales of Android and Apple smartphones in the world to reach 199.5 million units during the first quarter of 2013, up 59.1% compared to 125.4 million units during the first quarter of last year . [2]

International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker

Cisco estimates that global mobile data traffic grew 81 percent last year to reach 1.5 exabytes per month end of 2013. Up from 820 petabytes per month compared to 2012. The growth of mobile data usage is triggered from an increasingly rapid development of mobile phones. In 2013 the mobile network traffic takes up nearly 18 exabytes of data.
The large volume of mobile data traffic is also caused by multimedia-based Internet access from mobile devices that reach more than 50 percent in 2012 and 53 percent in late 2013 about 526 million mobile devices and new user data connection increases in 2013. With that growth, estimated mobile devices in circulation in the world today was around 7 billion, up from 6.5 billion in 2012. of that amount, the smartphone is the largest of about 77 percent with an additional 406 million users in 2013 .Here Cisco's prediction in 2018 related to data traffic and mobile devices. [16]
1. Then the global mobile data traffic will surpass 15 exabytes in 2018,
2. The number of mobile devices (cellular) connected to the data will exceed the world's population by 2014 the average mobile connection speeds will exceed 2 Mbps by 2016 there will be an increase in smartphone users, so these devices will dominate 66 percent of mobile data traffic on 2018.

While the mobile data traffic on a monthly basis will exceed 2.5 exabytes per month in 2018. The traffic data from tablet users globally will exceed 15 percent of global mobile data traffic by 2016. Trends 4G traffic will account for more than half of the total traffic mobile cellular 2018. Finally, a lot of traffic flow data is transferred from the cellular network to a Wi-Fi network than the fixed network in the next four years. [16]
The use of internet-based multimedia to data communications is already on the 2G and 3G services, which include technology in the network, handset, and content that is available and supports data access speed up to 42 Mbps on the downlink and 5.76 Mbps for uplink with HSPA + technology (Evolved high-Speed Packet Access), but this trend of multimedia-based internet traffic affect traffic higher internet usage. Particularly in Indonesia, the convergence of the Internet-based multi-media services on mobile devices makes, mobile data user moves achieve new levels compared to the previous period.
Based on Survey Data Global Web Index, Indonesia is a country that has a social media users are the most active in Asia. Indonesia has 79.7% of active users on social media beat Philippines 78%, Malaysia 72%, China 67%. Statistics development of the Internet in Indonesia reaches 15% or 38,191,873 of the total population of Internet users we 251,160,124, Medium Internet users using mobile / smartphones reach 14% of the population. Based on the statistical data indicator of Internet users in Indonesia that writers get, the average time it takes Internet users to access information through a PC or laptop range of 5 hours 30 minutes each day, the percentage of Internet users through mobile or Smarphone 14% of the total population. Being the average time spent by Internet users via mobile or smartphones in Indonesia is around 2 hours 30 minutes every day.
Based on the statistical data indicators of social media users in Indonesia that writers get that, for a percentage of the number of users of social media in Indonesia, 15% of the total population, the average time it takes a user to access social media in Indonesia approximately 2 hours 54 minutes each harinya.Sedang the percentage of users who access social media via mobile or smarphonenya 74%. Looking at the statistical data issued by the Global Web Index Wave, Facebook continues to dominate social media in Indonesia with statistical data is 25% or about 62 million users of the social media facebook. After that followed Twitter, Google Plus and Linkedin.
Statistics Internet, Social Media and Mobile in Indonesia by Om Bol on February 13, 2014 [3]

Now with the presence of 4G technology LTE (Long Term Evolution) which is basically a wireless access technology reportedly is a broadband connection speed 10 times higher than usual provider, able to facilitate the users run the attractive services such as VOD (Video On Demand), gaming, VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), social media (facebook, linkedin, youtube) and services on line games, of course, the presence of 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) into a new breakthrough in the development of data communications services not only in Indonesia and the world. So many expectations that come from the public that the performance of the generation 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) can meet the needs of the internet quotas, but some of this time the performance of the service 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) is not as should be expected, so that it is starting to become a public debate by many users through online media, such as some of the responses expressed by users through online media, there are also a few quotes that enclose the author.
"Initially the quota 8 gb quality data speed is very very fast. but after being discharged. bolt connection data rates below 5 kbps extremely weak, signaling networks are often dead. upgreat increase Firmware Version: v1.0.0 BD_BOLT_MF90 B07 signifikat not bring change when the rest of the quota is still fairly large but very disappointing performance data access "[4]
"True Once, Quality speed just a figment, a new running 1 month with a hefty pace, after 1 month of amit amit speed deh below 10kbps, very very disappointing, send an email to complain was no response, the group is only BIG BIG TV By his doing "[4]
  "Want 4,, g,, g,, tetep want 5 course,,,,, and his bonus 500MB,,,,, bat time and of course his exorbitant rates apalgi the red,,,,,,, tuh that most Air nafus hold 4 g "[5]

The opinion continues to grow today so make several research institutions both at home and abroad participated to find out the performance of Internet services 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution). According to Rama Aditya Mitra (2009) goal of QoS (Quality Of Service) is to provide better network services to provide priority including bandwidth, jitter, delay, throughput which is controlled by pressing the minimum packet loss [6]. Contrary measurement of the above background, the authors are very interested in doing research on "Performance Analysis of Multimedia-Based Internet Access In 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) to determine the QoS (Qulity OF Service) in different areas of coverage".

Source : 
[1] Pasar Smartphone di Indonesia Penjualan smartphone di Indonesia pun cukup tinggi, menurut Frost & Sullivan (http://teknojurnal.com/pasar-smartphone-di-indonesia/) diakses 10 Maret 2014

[2] Kuartal Pertama 2013, Gabungan Android dan iOS Kuasai 92.3% Pangsa Sistem Operasi http://berita.plasa.msn.com/teknologi/tabloidsinyal/kuartal-pertama-2013-gabungan-android-dan-ios-kuasai-923percent-pangsa-sistem-operasi diakses 10 Maret 2014

[3] Statistik: Internet, Sosial Media dan Mobile di Indonesia 2014

[4] Review Modem Bolt 4G LTE : Kecepatan Sangat Mengecewakan 24 Responses to "Review Modem Bolt 4G LTE : Kecepatan Sangat Mengecewakan" https://tipsbermaingaming.blogspot.com/search?q=review-modem-bolt-4g-lte-kecepatan diakses Maret April 2014

[5] https://tipsbermaingaming.blogspot.com/search?q=review-modem-bolt-4g-lte-kecepatan Penulis, Bima Indra Gunawan, S.T., M.T. diakses 13 April 2014
[7] Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer ISSN: 1412-9523

[8] Menurut (Sugiyono 2008: 377) hipotesis didefinisikan sebagai : ”Dugaan atas jawaban sementara mengenai suatu masalah yang masih perlu diuji

[9] Ini yang bisa kamu lakukan dengan BOLT!

Universal Journal OF Cammunications and Network  
1(3):110-117,2013, DOI:10,12189/ujcn,2013.010305 “Evalution of Quality OF Services 4th Generation(4G) Long Term Evalution (LTE) Cellular Data Network” Fahad Alomary & Ivica Kostanic”

ISSN.1412-0100 Vol 14,NO 1, April 2013 “Analisis Perbandingan QoS Layanan Ethernet Frame Relay Dan Atm Over MPLS Pada Jaringan Backbone” Wi’I Setiyadi , R.Rumani,Sholekan 

Quality of Service: Delivering QoS on the Internet and in Corporate Networks Paul Ferguson & Geoff Huston http://www.wiley.com/legacy/compbooks/ferguson/ diakses 12 April 2014

Kecepatan akses internet

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Multimedia Systems discusses the basic characteristics of multimedia operating systems, networking and communication, and multimedia middleware systems Ralf Steinmetz, KlaraNahrstedt,http://books.google.co.id/books?id=34Uuim67mvUC&hl=id&source=gbs_book_similarbooks  diakses 29 April 2014
The Multimedia Internet Stephen Weinstein Here is a thorough, not-overly-complex introduction to the three technical foundations for multimedia applications across the Internet,http://books.google.co.id/books/about/The_Multimedia_Internet.html?id=Di5UARzuAyYC&redir_esc=y  diakses 29 April 2014