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./Thinking About the Development of 4G LTE in Indonesia -Sesion 1

The development of mobile telecommunication networks (mobile phones) in Indonesia has grown rapidly, as more and more information technology revolution undergone many changes and progress over time. These developments did not only affect the cellular network telekominikasi devices (mobile phones), but also affect the data komunikai services provided by mobile operators (mobile).
From the standpoint of the telecommunications revolution of mobile data services (cell phone), has undergone some changes and to date has reached the 4th generation (4G), starting from the 1st generation (1G), 2nd generation (2G), generation -3 (3G) and fourth generation (4G). When viewed from the development of mobile data telecommunications operators (mobile), with different generations of course the current mobile telecommunications operators (mobile) has undergone various processes pemuhktahiran and refinement along with its development from the standpoint of functions and services, especially in the 4th generation or better known as 4G LTE (Long Term Evalution).
Needs internet acess is provided in the form of data services, is already on the 2nd generation (2G) and 3rd (3G), but still not able to meet the needs of data layanaan use more and more and started to become a global necessity, especially with the development of computer technology, mobile and gatget that offers a variety of ways to communicate through the media using either multimedia video calls or video calls on the computer, mobile and gatget are increasingly found in the market, it is certainly very attractive to the users of the students , students and adults and children were very interested in using data services, because they facilitate the conduct of the internet acces through device owned, anywhere and anytime.
To get acces the internet today, the easier it is for a packet data service provided by several operators in Indonesia with varying tariffs. This data packet services can be obtained through the packet prepaid and postpaid. Some operators in Indonesia that provides packet data service of which is the operator Telkomsel, Indosat / IM2, XL and Axis. If the current trend seen user prefers to communicate through multimedia-based internet services is of course very influential with internet acces speed 3G HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access), which is only capable of reaching speeds of up to 14.4 Mbps. According to Rama Aditya Mitra (2009) the purpose of the Quality of Service (QoS) is to provide better network services to provide priority including bandwidth, delay jitter and packet loss of control to suppress a minimum.
The presence of the latest generation technology of the operator 4G LTE (Long Term Evalution) into a new breakthrough in the world of development of cellular operators in Indonesia, but the service can not be enjoyed in Indonesia because the service is still in the development stage and is only used in certain areas coverange due to limitations of the BTS (Base Transceiver Station) is currently only available in Java. In addition, to use the 4G LTE service (Long Term Evalution) is relatively very costly in terms of equipment and services supplied data packet.

So many expectations that come from the people in Indonesia welcomes the presence of these services, with the expectation that the performance offered by the fourth generation 4G LTE (Long Term Evalution) has improved since been refined from the previous generation, but some recent times the performance of 4G LTE service (Long Term Evalution) not as expected so it started to become a public debate by many users through online media, such as some of the responses that revealed users currently online media tekno.kompas.com, inet.detik.com, merdeka.com/teknologi and several other online forums. The opinion continues to grow today so make several research institutions both at home and abroad participated to find out the performance of Internet services 4G LTE (Long Term Evalution). Contrary measure of the problems above, the authors are very interested in doing research on next-generation Internet service performance 4G LTE (Long Term Evalution) in hopes of a fourth generation network technologies telekominikasi operator is able to provide good service and quality.

Source: The adoption of online media sharing